Starting on Monday 9/14, the board game evening will move to a new venue at Studiefrämjandet on Hunnebergsgatan 29 (in Linköping of course). The starting time is as usual 18:00. This also means that the association will no longer have any activities at Skylten.
In December 2019 we were informed that us in Dragon’s Den and the other gaming associations in the Game Link collaboration could no longer remain in the venue on Platensgatan that we have been in since 2015. After receiving that information we have worked hard (relatively speaking) for to find a new venue. That work…
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Tomorrow sees the start of the association’s annual tabletop wargaming convention, DefCon. The convention is in the C-building at Linköping University in corridor U and runs from 4-5 January. If you are interested in tabletop wargames then you are welcome to come by and have a look during the weekend. This year we have tournaments…
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Roleplaying at GameLink 11/19 at 18:00 Platensgatan 25, Linköping We run West marches DnD 5ed (oneshot). For new and experienced players. Create your own character lv 1 or pick up a finished one on site We have 2 game managers booked, but if we are many then it is good if someone more can imagine…
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Earlier this fall, we announced that we were planning to start a role-playing section and urged anyone interested to contact us. Now it’s finally time for a first meeting for anyone interested in discussing how such a section and its operations should look and function. And of course it is also an opportunity for all…
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Hi all members! On Wednesday, October 16, Dragon’s Den has its annual meeting. This is the best opportunity for all members to influence the association’s activities during the coming year. Remember that the annual meeting is the association’s highest decision-making body, so do not miss your chance to participate and decide. This year the association…
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During Kalasmottagningen at LiU, many people came by and showed interest in roleplaying games (mainly DnD). We currently have no existing branch for this within the association, but since the interest was so great, we created an interest list with the idea of trying to start up such a branch. That idea is still relevant…
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Our website is now available in english, to make things a little bit easier for those who aren’t that well versed in swedish. We have translated all the information on the website to english, except for the old news (and the statutes). Any future news posts will be available in english.