
Dragon’s Den offers regular activities in a number of different types of games for members. The activities are divided into different groups and are briefly presented below.

The board game group

The association has a board game night every Monday at the Studiefrämjandets/Skådebanan premises at Drottninggatan 40 in Linköping. The activity is of a drop-in nature and starts around 18. On an average board game night, 10-15 people participate and you can either bring your own games or play one of the association’s ones.

The Mondays have a group on Facebook which can be found here.

You can find a current list of the association’s games here.

Little Brother Kevin (miniature wargaming group)

Little Brother Kevin offers regular gaming every week in its own venue in central Linköping (Vasavägen 23b). The venue has no fixed opening hours, but is open when someone is there playing or painting (which is usually several times a week). The venue offers 9 tables for games and a hobby room.

Many different miniature wargames games are present at the venue, but Games Workshop’s games and Star Wars Shatterpoint are the most common. However, if the game you want to play includes miniatures, there is likely someone in the group who has an army, warband, whatever to go with it. It also happens that board games and card games are played in the venue from time to timne. In addition to regular pick-up matches, various campaigns, tournaments and giant battles are usually held throughout the year.

LBK also has its own website and a Discord where you can discuss the hobby, book matches, etc.

Note that a fee is added if you want to join and use the premises (see Membership).

The card game group

On Wednesdays at 6 p.m., we play card games at Studiefrämjandet’s venue at Skylten in Linköping (Södra Oskarsgatan 3). Currently, Lorcana is mainly played. There are also events in both Lorcana and Star Wars Unlimited at other times.

The Role Playing Group

The association has a role-playing group that was started in the fall of 2019. During 2020, the group’s activities have become more irregular. If you are interested and want to try to bring some life back into it, there is a Discord channel for discussions. You will find it here. You can go there if you have questions about the group or are looking for people to play with.

World in Flames group

Held in the association’s venue in Ryd and plays on Wednesdays. What is offered are games like World in Flames and Europa Universalis (which takes time, so there aren’t that many games in a year).

But my kind of game then?

Missing your type of game above? The association almost always welcomes new branches into the community as long as there is an interest and people playing the games. Contact the board if you have a type you would like to see in the association. Note that it may also be the case that we refer you to one of the other Linköping associations that we collaborate with if what you suggest is available there. It is unnecessary to create more competition than what already exists!