Notice of Dragon’s Den’s annual meeting 2024

Hi members!

On Monday, October 21, Dragon’s Den has its annual meeting. This is the best opportunity for all members to influence the association’s activities during the coming year. Remember that the annual meeting is the association’s highest decision-making body, so do not miss your chance to participate and decide.

This year the association will provide food at the meeting for attending members (from a nearby pizzeria).

If you are not already a member, you can sign- up here.

A warm welcome!

The Board of Spelföreningen Dragon’s Den

Notice of Dragon’s Den’s Annual Meeting

Time: Monday 21/10 at 19:00

Location: Little Brother Kevin’s venue (LBK), Vasavägen 23b, Linköping (entrance from the courtyard)


  • The opening of the meeting
  • Jurisdiction of the meeting
  • Determination of voting length and choice of voting counter
  • Establishing and approving the agenda
  • Election of the chairman of the meeting
  • Election of the meeting secretary
  • Choice of two people to adjust the protocol
  • The Board of Directors’ activity report for last year
  • Economic report for last year
  • The auditors’ story for last year
  • Discharge for last year’s Board of Directors
  • Plan for this year’s activities
  • Information about LinCon 2025
  • This year’s budget and determination of membership fees
  • Election of this year’s Board of Directors
  • Election of Auditor(s)
  • Election of this year’s Election Commissioner
  • Other questions
  • The end of the meeting